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PDFlockPopulation Health / Publication
A new whole-of-city strategy for addressing cardiovascular population health
Fostering cardiovascular health at work – case study from Senegal
A case study on fostering cardiovascular health at work from Senegal -
Hypertension among South African children
Hypertension among South African children in disadvantaged areas and associations with physical activity, fitness, and cardiovascular risk markers: A cross-sectional study about Hypertension among South African children in disadvantaged areas -
PDFlockDigital Health / Publication
Pursuing AI maturity in health
This case study describes how, when faced with an emerging crisis, government officials convened diverse partners to swiftly develop and deploy life-saving AI solutions. The process they undertook provides lessons for developing AI solutions for challenges beyond COVID-19. This initiative operationalized the recommendations from the 2020 Roadmap to AI Maturity from the Broadband Commission for Sustainable Development. -
DocumentlockLeprosy / Publication
Leprosy Post-exposure Prophylaxis with Single-dose Rifampicin (LPEP): An International Feasibility Programme
LPEP explored the feasibility of combining three key interventions against leprosy: tracing contacts newly diagnosed patients with leprosy; screening the traced contacts for leprosy; and administering SDR to eligible contacts. -
DocumentlockHypertension / Publication
Association Between Physical Activity, Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Clustered Cardiovascular Risk in South African Children from Disadvantaged Communities: Results from a Cross-sectional Study
Physical inactivity (PIA) is a growing global health problem and evidence suggests that PIA is a key driver for hypertension, cardiovascular and chronic diseases. -
DocumentlockMalaria / Publication
Evaluating the Feasibility of Reactive Targeted Parasite Elimination vs. Reactive Case Detection, With and Without Reactive Vector Control, As a Community Level Intervention in Response to Confirmed, Passively Identified Index Cases in Zambezi Region
As a result of successful malaria control efforts, Namibia, like many countries in southern Africa, is aiming for elimination by 2020. -
DocumentlockLeprosy / Publication
Leprosy Diagnostic Test Development As a Prerequisite Towards Elimination: Requirements from the User’s Perspective
The article concludes that a diagnostic test to confirm leprosy disease at an early stage among symptomatic patients would be an acceptable and certainly useful shorter-term compromise. -
DocumentlockHealth System Strengthening / Publication
Strengthening Local Health Systems for Hypertension Prevention and Control: The Communities for Healthy Hearts Program in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
This study evaluated a 3-year implementation of this CVD program (2016–2019) on the strengthening of local health system and its capacity to better prevent and manage hypertension. -
DocumentlockHypertension / Publication
Knowledge Change Related to Hypertension in the Southern Province of Vietnam: A Community Based, Before and After Intervention Evaluation
This study describes the changes in knowledge of hypertension among adults aged 40 and above in four districts of Ho Chi Minh City as a result of the Communities for Healthy Hearts program, which started in 2016 and ended in 2019. -
DocumentlockHypertension / Publication
Facilitating Factors and Barriers to the Implementation of Hypertension Prevention Programs in Vietnam: Lessons Learned from the Communities for Healthy Hearts Program
This qualitative study's focus is on the facilitators and barriers of the 5 aims of the Communities for Healthy Hearts program for hypertension prevention. -
DocumentlockHypertension / Publication
Effect of Community-based Intervention on Self-management of Blood Pressure among Hypertensive Adults: Findings from the Communities for Healthy Hearts Quasi-experimental Study in Vietnam
The current study aims to evaluate the effects of Communities for Healthy Hearts intervention in improving the self-management of blood pressure among hypertensive patients.
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