The world is facing a syndemic of COVID-19 paired with the growing tide of cardiovascular diseases - and cities play an ever more essential role in determining the health outcomes of populations. The Novartis Foundation and its partners pioneered a new strategy called CARDIO for addressing cardiovascular risk factors and cardiovascular disease prevention in low-income urban settings.

This toolkit starts with a needs assessment to discover what policies exist, understand the population at risk, map the patient pathway, and understand what barriers prevent progress toward achieving the priorities of a city's priorities in its efforts to improve cardiovascular (CV) health.
The CARDIO approach presented in this Urban Population Health Toolkit provides insights, evidence-based strategies, tools and best practices to improve early detection and management of the main risk factor for CVD - hypertension (high blood pressure). The toolkit will constantly introduce new learnings and tools as they become available, while we expand our approach toward lowering the overall CV risk in urban populations.